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Receding Hairline: Causes, treatments, and prevention

Written by Alex Jordan | 09 Oct 2024

A receding hairline is a common concern for many men, especially as they age. It can affect your confidence but knowing why it happens and how to manage it can help. This guide will explain what a receding hairline is, how to stop a receding hairline, and how to manage a receding hairline, while also providing tips on how to tell if your hairline is receding and what a receding hairline looks like. 

What is a receding hairline? 

A receding hairline is when the hair at the front of your scalp starts to thin and move back. This typically results in an "M" shape, where the hairline recedes more at the temples than in the middle. What a receding hairline looks like is often described as a noticeable increase in the forehead area, with hair gradually becoming finer and shorter, making the scalp more visible. It’s a common first sign of male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia [3]. 

Causes of a receding hairline 

Male pattern baldness 

The most common cause of a receding hairline is male pattern baldness, driven by genetics and hormones. The hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), derived from testosterone, causes hair follicles to shrink. This disrupts the normal hair growth cycle, leading to thinner hair and eventually, hair loss [3]. Understanding what a receding hairline looks like, and its causes, is crucial for finding the right treatment. 

Other causes 

While male pattern baldness is the main reason, other factors like stress, illness, certain medications, and dietary deficiencies can also lead to hair loss. Recognizing how to tell if your hairline is receding can help you address these issues early [1][2]. 

How to know if your hairline is receding? 

To know if your hairline is receding, pay attention to changes in the shape of your hairline over time. A simple way to tell if your hairline is receding is by comparing recent photos with older ones to see if your hairline has moved back. Early signs include thinning hair at the temples and a more pronounced "M" shape. If you notice these changes, it’s likely that your hairline is receding [1][3]. 

How to stop a receding hairline? 

Stopping a receding hairline, especially if it’s genetic, can be challenging, but there are ways to manage and slow the process. How to stop a receding hairline often involves the use of medications like minoxidil and finasteride. Minoxidil is a topical treatment that can help to stimulate hair growth and slow down hair loss, while finasteride works by reducing DHT levels in the body, which helps to prevent further hair loss [3]. Consulting a doctor early on is crucial in determining how to stop a receding hairline effectively [4]. 

Tips for managing a receding hairline 

While you can't completely stop a receding hairline, especially if it’s due to genetics, there are steps you can take to manage it: 


  • Avoid tight hairstyles: Styles that pull on the hairline, like man buns or tight ponytails, can worsen hair loss. 
  • Opt for looser styles: Experiment with cuts that work with your receding hairline, such as crew cuts, or consider growing facial hair [1][2]. 

Hair products 

  • Limit harsh chemicals: Avoid styling products with harsh chemicals that can damage your hair. 
  • Use natural products: Consider natural styling agents that nourish your hair [1][2]. 

Lifestyle changes 

  • Manage stress: Techniques like relaxation exercises and regular physical activity can help reduce hair loss. 
  • Balanced diet: A diet rich in hair-healthy nutrients like iron, zinc, vitamin D, and biotin is crucial [1][3]. 

How to fix a receding hairline? 

Fixing a receding hairline can involve several approaches. For those looking to restore their hair, hair transplants are a popular option. This procedure involves moving hair follicles from one part of your scalp to the thinning areas. Another non-invasive option is low-level laser therapy, which uses light to stimulate hair follicles and promote growth. Understanding how to fix a receding hairline also includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle to support the effectiveness of treatments [3][4]. 

Treatment options 

If your hairline is receding, there are several treatments available: 

Topical treatments 

Minoxidil is a common over-the-counter treatment that you apply directly to your scalp. It helps improve blood flow to hair follicles, encouraging hair growth [3]. 

Oral medications 

Finasteride is an oral medication that reduces DHT levels in the body, slowing down hair loss. It can be effective for many men but requires a prescription and may have side effects [3][4]. 

Hair transplants 

For a more permanent solution, some men choose hair transplants. This procedure moves hair from one part of your scalp to the areas where hair is thinning [2]. 

Laser therapy 

Low-level laser therapy is another option. It uses light to stimulate hair follicles and promote growth. This treatment is non-invasive and has shown promise for some men [3]. 

When to see a doctor 

If you're worried about your receding hairline, it’s a good idea to talk to a doctor. They can help figure out what’s causing your hair loss and suggest treatments. If you notice sudden or patchy hair loss, it’s especially important to seek medical advice, as this could indicate an underlying health issue [1]. 

How HealthHero can help 

At HealthHero, we offer online consultations with experienced doctors who can help you understand and manage hair loss. For more information, visit our GP Consultation and Male Hair Loss pages. Whether you’re looking for advice on how to stop a receding hairline, treatment options, or just want to learn more about how to fix a receding hairline, our team is here to help. 

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